Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Curiosity Shop Part 4

Now that we are safely back in the land of flush porcelain toilets, we would like to share some words about the biggest travel peril:  public bathrooms!

Aside from the fact that sometimes there just ARE NO bathrooms, the ones you do encounter can be sketchy or even frightening. 

Take the outhouse full of 8" lizards that Jarad wandered into. Unnerving!  Keeps you on your toes!

Or when he used the outhouse with a one ton bison standing outside the door.  Or when I dodged torrential rain and bolts of lightning bolts to get to there.  

Worse, you discover various combinations of amenities, or lack thereof. No hand sanitizer?  No tp?  No doorlock? No door?

And pulleez people!  Do not place outhouses in the sun!  Unless of course there is no shade, like most of the Southwest. Or the 110 degree heat at the bottom of Glen Canyon.  Smells tend to ferment to explosive levels.  It's either pass out from the heat in there, or pass out from the gases. 

And there's your constant. Odors. A wide assortment -- and all pretty much bad.  Gotta be fast. And able to hold your breath as long as it takes. 

Somebody had to tell you the Truth. It might as well come from friends. 
By the way, in case your mother never told you, even with flush toilets -- please don't drink the water inside it, no matter how clean it appears -- or how thirsty you are!

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