Saturday, June 29, 2013

Some Highlights From Yellowstone!

Day7, Saturday 6/29... Yes we know. there has been a bit of a gap!  This is night 3 in Yellowstone Natl Park, where there is NO internet, and very limited phone service.  We are pirating someone's internet to post this hello to all.  We are more than fine, we're ecstatic at what we've seen here.  Hope to get some pictures up of Old Faithful and other magnificent geysers and pools, of the bison, elk, and bears we've seen, and of the park's astounding waterfalls, rivers, and canyons.  Leaving tomorrow for the Tetons.  We've experienced SO much in a week!  Wish you were here...    

Here's a photo of us at Castle Geyser!
Here is a photo from our first night here!-- This Elk was about ten feet away from us!  Beautiful!
And here is Jarad piping near some hot springs!
Here's a picture from one of our favorite spots here in Yellowstone-- the Upper Falls (at sunset!)
We also had a close encounter with a Bison!

Also, BAT-MOOSE! (For James and Courtney!)


A VERY Quick Hello From Yellowstone!

I'm stealing someone's wifi to post this!  We have had zero reception and no interwebs for the past three days!  Will post more soon!!!

Sue and I at Artist Point (overlooking the Lower Falls!)... Was incredibly breathtaking!


Thursday, June 27, 2013

2500 miles -- day 5 -- just outside Yellowstone

Allowed ourselves a leisurely start with a free Beartooth Motel waffle breakfast.  Got a few groceries ahead for breakfasts and lunches on the road. And WATER!  Seems like we drink twice as much with heat and high altitudes. 

Spent many more hours at the Buffalo Bill museum than expected. It's really 5 in 1: a fascinating section about Bill, man and legend; an extensive Plains Indian history section; Western wildlife and geology; art and sculpture of the West; and firearms, grouped by wars, over 2700 varieties!  

The last 50 miles to Yellowstone through Shoshone Canyon are spectacular, with red rock formations along a deep blue river. Jarad played his pipes here, echoing through the canyon. We crossed a high pass where there was still snow, and the continental divide at 8391 ft, then descended down to the unexpectedly huge and beautiful Yellowstone lake.  There are swans and PELICANS here!

Still 50 more miles to Old Faithful -- the park is the size of Rhode Island and Delaware combined!  This tall, elegant geyser erupted as soon as we arrived, shining pure white against the azure sky.  We dined on Wyoming trout and beef at the historic Old Faithful hotel as we marveled at its massive construction from whole trees, the size of which no longer exist today.  And when we emerged, Old Faithful was erupting again!  

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Holy Rodeo, Batman! (and many other things!)

What an exciting day!  Driving over the Rocky Mountains was stunning to say the least!  As you can see by this charming picture, I was quite impressed (and tired from all the adventures thus far!).

 We felt like we were on top of the world!

The ride down from the Rockies was breathtaking as we drove along miles of awe-inspiring cliffs that arched far above us.  At every zig and zag I was tempted to hop out and hike these beautiful and ancient cliff-faces, but alas, we had to make it to Cody, WY for a good ol' fashioned rodeo!

On our way to Cody, we (predictably) got sidetracked and enjoyed a rejuvenating soak in Hot Springs State Park (Thermpolois, WY).  We were fortunate to be the only ones in the hot spring!

After our soak we stopped to hike around the Legend Rock Petroglyph Site where we not only saw prehistoric drawings, but we also had a close encounter with a beautiful Antelope!

FINALLY we arrived in Cody and got to see a freaking rodeo!!!

TIME FOR BED!!! Yellowstone tomorrow! :D


The Weeks went over the mountain...

Finally turned off Rt. 90 in Buffalo...WY.  Up over the beautiful 9666 foot pass on Cloud Peak Skyway. Yes, snow!  And so many lupines the mt sides looked blue!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"This means something..."

O2100 miles we arrived at Devil's Tower in northeast Wyoming. Most known from its starring role in the classic movie Close Encounters, the Tower is actually sacred land to many tribes. A hypnotic 1.3 mile walk around its base revealed many angles, shadows, colors and shapes as the sun slowly set. Jarad climbed huge tumbled rocks while I marveled at soaring vultures and adorable prairie dogs. 

Lead, SD -- and 2000 Miles!

This photo is from the badlands, but I had to post it anyways because it is so awesome!.. We were up before the sun, and had the park to ourselves!.. I even got some Bagpiping in!

 We just got to Lead, SD-- famous for the Homestake Gold Mine (the largest and deepest mine in the Western Hemisphere!). While passing through Lead we hit the 2000 mile mark! Now we are on our way to Devil's Tower (we are taking the scenic route through the Black Hills-- driving along Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway!)


Bagpipes in the Badlands!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Quick Post of the Badlands

1800 Miles and we are in the Badlands! Wanted to post a quick picture or two!.. More to come later :)

Corny but cool!

Mitchell SD Corn Palace -- the only corn decorated building on the world!  Since 1892, a different theme of murals each year, made with 100,000 acres of locally grown colored corncobs. 1600 miles, on to the Badlands tonight!   

Blue Earth Minnesota Legend!

The Jolly Green Giant lives here!  Jarad remembers this fellow from his last encounter in 1995 at age 5. Looks like they're still friends!  1400 miles. Almost halfway across the US.

Mighty Missisip!

Made 200 miles this morning through Wisconsin to the Mississippi River at La Crosse. Now entering our 8th state, Minnesota!  Miinne-minne-minne-minne SOOO-tah!   
(Thanks Frank Zappa!)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

1000 miles!

Rockford Illinois (borders Wisconsin) 19 hours, 1000 miles!  Time for IHOP and sleep. PS Lucky for us we gained an hour in Indiana. Only 9:33pm here!  

That toddlin' town...

A gorgeous 1 hour orange sunset reflected in Chicago's skyscrapers. Impressive.

A great lunch stop

Couldn't resist stopping by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland for the Stones' 50th!

Oh hi, Ohio!

Noon. Jarad at the wheel. 520 miles. Welcome center very civilized. Had seat covers!  

Six hours

390 miles, 6 hours. Beautiful moon-set, beautiful sunrise. Now just outside of Buffalo!  Have not seen one yet. HAVE seen along Rt 90 a: turtle, heron, seagull, flock of geese, baby deer, gathering of vultures, and a hawk.  Two pit stops, one for gas, one for gas-producing Dunkin's black coffee. Lake Erie shore drive here we come!  

3:30 AM Departure!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

T-Minus 14 Hours Until Departure // FUNDRAISER!

Shortly after Jimmy Just Quit wraps up their performance at Between the Uprights in Turners Falls tonight, Jarad and I will be heading off from home early Sunday June 23.  We have planned a 31 day road trip, 17 states plus Ontario, touring our nation’s fabulous National Parks. 

And -- we are asking friends and family to join us in a CHALLENGE!

What is it?  Make a pledge toward our National Park Foundation fundraiser!  Any amount is wonderful.  Here are some ideas: 
== A penny per mile we travel
== A dollar per park or monument we visit
== A dollar every time Jarad plays his bagpipes in a park
== A quarter every time we make a rest/gas stop while driving
== Five dollars for every book on tape we finish…

You get the idea! 

Choose one of these options, or be creative – even daring.  How many times will it rain?  How many times will we get angry at each other?!?

The National Parks are understaffed, encroached upon, and flooded with tourists.  The money we all raise will go directly to the National Park Foundation, 1201 I (Eye) Street NW, Suite 550B, Washington DC 26005.  Their phone number is 202-354-6460, or 202-354-6470 (for donors).  Their website is if you want to check out their foundation or make a donation directly.

We have a blog where you can follow our journey:

Please sign on to chat with us anytime, or to make your challenge pledge!  We are hoping you will join the fun and support the National Park Foundation in this possibly entertaining way– so that these treasured Parks will still be preserved when YOU visit!