Saturday, June 22, 2013

T-Minus 14 Hours Until Departure // FUNDRAISER!

Shortly after Jimmy Just Quit wraps up their performance at Between the Uprights in Turners Falls tonight, Jarad and I will be heading off from home early Sunday June 23.  We have planned a 31 day road trip, 17 states plus Ontario, touring our nation’s fabulous National Parks. 

And -- we are asking friends and family to join us in a CHALLENGE!

What is it?  Make a pledge toward our National Park Foundation fundraiser!  Any amount is wonderful.  Here are some ideas: 
== A penny per mile we travel
== A dollar per park or monument we visit
== A dollar every time Jarad plays his bagpipes in a park
== A quarter every time we make a rest/gas stop while driving
== Five dollars for every book on tape we finish…

You get the idea! 

Choose one of these options, or be creative – even daring.  How many times will it rain?  How many times will we get angry at each other?!?

The National Parks are understaffed, encroached upon, and flooded with tourists.  The money we all raise will go directly to the National Park Foundation, 1201 I (Eye) Street NW, Suite 550B, Washington DC 26005.  Their phone number is 202-354-6460, or 202-354-6470 (for donors).  Their website is if you want to check out their foundation or make a donation directly.

We have a blog where you can follow our journey:

Please sign on to chat with us anytime, or to make your challenge pledge!  We are hoping you will join the fun and support the National Park Foundation in this possibly entertaining way– so that these treasured Parks will still be preserved when YOU visit!

1 comment:

  1. How very cool! Nice to meet you Sue, we are huge fans of Jarad :) The Martins of Granby Mass will be following your journey and we shall try and come up with a very unique fundraiser idea.....likely batman related :) Travel Safe!
