Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 24 -- Kansas City here we come!

Having been up so late driving to Hays Kansas, we got off to a later start than we'd hoped, like 11am. Think our bodies are still on mt time anyway. Interstate 70 was predictably flat. But beautiful in its own way, with golden wheat fields and green cornfields.  Part of this road is the first stretch of Interstate in the US. There were quite a few oil pumps along the way, and hundreds of wind turbines. 

I take photos of trucks to send to my truck loving grandson Cameran.  This route was a bonanza!  I kept noticing double Fed Ex trailer trucks. Like dozens and dozens. It was getting downright weird when we passed a Fed Ex hub. I mean hundreds of trucks!  Turns out they do a huge business in the Midwest for the many people who live in towns with no stores and order everything online!

Rt 70 is also the land of billboards. Many religious or anti abortion. Many, many more for museums of every type!  The Greyhound (dog) Hall of Fame, Custer's Cavalry Museum, Agricultural Hall of Fame, Eisenhower's Presidential Library. And of course the Oz Museum!

In Abilene we hit 6000 miles, all you who are keeping track.  The Old Santa Fe Trail used to cross here. More history in KS than you might imagine. Some of it is still ongoing. At rest areas there are constant weather reports being broadcast. And we saw grown men wearing overalls. 

Made it to Kansas City, easternmost point in the state, by 4:30. Jarad has some friends here he met at a Pearl Jam concert in Wisconsin, Hunter and Trish Anderson. They were so gracious to let us stay overnight at their beautiful home!

We had barbecue for supper at a quirky little place in a gas station, Oklahoma Joe's, which Anthony Bourdain named as one of the 13 places to eat at before you die!  I didn't get a photo, but here is one of their cat Piper.  It was so special to pat a friendly cat after so long!

It's kind of tacky, but we've collected stickers from everywhere we've been so far. Here is what our car looks like now!
Onward now to Missouri and Illinois with, Hunter along for company!  

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