Jarad and I have been back ten days -- physically! Our minds and hearts are still on the road every day.
We're finding solace among the usual mundane chores by putting together a slide show in four parts:
1) Greenfield to the Tetons including Yellowstone.
2) Dinosaur Natl Park to Glen Canyon including Bryce and Zion.
3) the Grand Canyon through Colorado including Mesa Verde, Durango Silverton RR, and Great Sand Dunes Natl Park.
4) Kansas to Greenfield again, which includes Chicago and Michigan.
But I'm not writing this blog entry about us. I'm writing this blog about YOU! Remember our challenge when we left? (If not, see Day 2!)
Seriously, though. We asked our friends and family to join us in a car trek National Parks CHALLENGE! To choose an silly option and make a donation to the National Park Foundation.
Well -- now is "The Day of Reckoning!" Here are some of the trip statistics on which to base your donation amount:
A penny per mile traveled -- 8280 miles, or $82.80.
# of Natl Parks visited -- 20 @ $1 each
# of times Jarad played his bagpipes in a National Park -- 23 @ $1 each
# of gas stops -- 20 @ .25 each or $5
# of pit stops -- uncountable! Sorry!
# of books on tape finished -- 1 @ $5!
# of times it rained -- many, many!
# times we got angry w/each other -- 4 :(
We were right about the National Parks needing help. They are SO beautiful! But we saw understaffing, road disrepair, theft of fossils and petrified wood, the closing of educational museums, etc. Some parks like the Tetons and Mesa Verde were begging for donations.
It's absolutely brilliant that so many natural wonders have been preserved. These places are American treasures! But they need protecting. From coal companies wanting to mine near Bryce, spoiling the clear night sky... and so on.
So here's the information again:
You can donate online at:
Or by snail mail:
National Park Foundation
1201 I (Eye) Street NW Suite 550B
Washington DC 26005
We hope you'll see this as paying something forward for when YOU visit one or more of these marvels! They're our there waiting for you!!
Lots of love and thanks, Jarad and Sue
PS We donated to the top three (and most fun) -- miles, parks, and piping!